My dance to self-conquest keeps me consciously grounded, genuinely alert and vibrant, naturally blooming : Khefista Shemzoumot

Home: Inevitable Cultural Revolution Movement > About Me - My Dance to self-conquest: Khefista Shemzoumot / To my sons, our sons and daughters, you, with honour to our ancestors...


My dance to self-conquest always leads me to recognize my voice as valid and relevant.

I dance who I am and set my path to total presence's consciously embodied self-care to self-conquest in every moment.

I am Khefista Shemzoumot, dance ethnologist on the Kem's path apprentice as a child of Meritah

In recent years, I've been working to develop the transmission of what resides in me and to find ways to facilitate access to the fundamental notion of harmonizing ourselves with the rhythms of the universe and the sacred essence of our dances so that we can better understand and live the reality of balancing our existence in constant becoming.

Today, an incomparable anchor manifests itself with the initiation that I am pursuing at the M'Tam temple of Kemetic philosophy and spirituality Het Kebtah (Earth Center) in Montreal.

My dance to self-conquest journey landmarks

At more than 50 years old, my vital energy in my dance keeps me thriving even more than when I was 5 years old.

My dance landmarks in this life journey are:

  • Partly an only child, first of the class, both rebellious and compliant

  • Immigration from Haiti to Canada where my dance turns into a duality of identity struggle

  • Continuous training and development in traditional Haitian dances 
  • Creation and development of Gwoup Kiskeya dance troupe

  • Intensive Summer Program in contemporary dance, ballet, songs and percussions at Groupe de la Place Royale

  • Becoming a mother twice

  • Checkmated dreams of being a pediatrician, art teacher, figurehead in children's literature, then professional in aeronautics.

  • Teaching traditional Haitian dances and initiation to Meritah (commonly called Africa in this modern era) and Caribbean rhythms.
  • Professional and Artistic Training Program in African Contemporary Dance at Compagnie Danse Nyata Nyata

  • Intensive Summer Workshops, Drum and Dance, at Compagnie Danse Nyata Nyata

  • Switching from salaried employee in administration and accounting to an independent worker lifestyle in financial planning.

  • Initiation to Salsa and Capoeira at Studio Danse Montréal

  • The evolution of this website to share about the genuine revolution dance movement of love, respect and joy, balance and integrity, and to also create an online business wisely.

  • Contributions through dance, upon request, to activism initiatives.

  • Initiation to Kemetic philosophy and spirituality at the Earth Center Montreal M'tam School

I've been learning my trade mainly through intrinsic research along with workshops in dance, in addition to formal training in ethnology and ethnographic films, validated by increased fondamental knowledge of our ancestral traditions at the origin of humanity.

The energy to act, learn and produce quality, nothing less, continually propels my courage.

My vision has always been clear about sharing the power of dance for integral wellness.

I follow through against all odds.

My vitality is a gathering strength.

My commitment to create an environment of harmony, beauty, and fundamental joy to infinity is a source of motivation. 

I walk willfully to spread serenity, respect and the joyful courage of love.

Through fundamentally joyful and powerful self-care to self-conquest, I aspire to bring light rays and beams, for everyone of us to dance its full potential of total presence, always.

The kreyòl Crone Goddess name, Tilarenn Solèy, I received in an ever present daydreaming state. The mighty Goddess Nout, the deity that governs the month I was born in the kemetic sidereal calendar, bestows upon me all the wisdom of a mother and the awareness of protection and preservation for me to deploy in my path of becoming to truly live the name the earth recovered for me which is Khefista Shemzoumot.

The kreyòl Crone Goddess name, Tilarenn Solèy, I received in an ever present daydreaming state. The mighty Goddess Nout, the deity that governs the month I was born in the kemetic sidereal calendar, bestows upon me all the wisdom of a mother and the awareness of protection and preservation for me to deploy in my path of becoming to truly live the name the earth recovered for me which is Khefista Shemzoumot.The kreyòl Crone Goddess name, Tilarenn Solèy, I received in an ever present daydreaming state. The mighty Goddess Nout, the deity that governs the month I was born in the kemetic sidereal calendar, bestows upon me all the wisdom of a mother and the awareness of protection and preservation for me to deploy in my path of becoming to truly live the name the earth recovered for me which is Khefista Shemzoumot.

Everything begins with a thought

"Through dance, we can better understand our common humanity"

~ Arts Alive (National Arts Centert) 

It is in my gut, I'm engaged to follow the truth we all have within.  

I let the stream of my dance run freely. 

I open my soul and let go. 

I release my soul's vibrations to strengthen the bonds with the ancestors. 

Every word, every gesture is sent in the universe and dances with the stars. 

I understand that we must own ourselves.

My energy is set on my words to be always impeccable as I dance and express that I am what I came to share.

My dance to self-conquest essence

I am devoted to lead by example.

I align heart and soul, body, mind, and spirit to dare to shine brightly. 

Revolisyon is for you to enjoy your total presence unconditionally, to appreciate, integrate and share freely.

For me, it is a space open to the whole world to gain momentum and lay the foundations of the universal international Sacred Essence of Our Dance Carrier Movement.

As We are One, our individual energy positively nurtured is the foundation for individual and collective sustainable growth.

''It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.''  

~  Buddha

Sharing the power of self-conquest dance

I am sharing on everything I know, everything I am learning about self-care to self-conquest and the connection to our roots, our ancestral legacies to be in total presence, freely.

We shall elevate our consciousness through dance spirit integrity. 

It is all about who we are and who we shall become. 

It is all about growing in strength and wisdom. 

No sorrow, no angriness, no resentment will ever have room to stay in this truly genuine place.

The dance floor is yours...

Be still. Share, heart to soul, as you wish...

Express your experiences, commitments, strength, love, and joy.

Share your art, wins, challenges of total presence to self-conquest, unwind your dance...

♥ This path of light, on a genuine revolution dance movement to the purity of our sacred essence, is for you! ♥

Following is an inspiring example of how Alison Désir dances unlike any. Unlike any simply means as a unique person. You can share your unique story too (here), Unlike Any.

My short bio

I dance to the rhythm of my heart and soul, my mind and spirit recognize the rhythm of my sacred essence.

I am a dance ethnologist apprentice by calling developed through life's imperative statements, practical training and self-directed learning. I am mostly a Kem's path apprentice as Meritah's child.

I proclaim to be a single mother by both conscious and unconscious desire. I claimed since my early teens to want children and no husband, all the while desiring a loving companionship.

I thrive to develop my talents to better serve us all under the necessity I see to dance our sacred essence and foster sustainable circles of individual and collective wellness in total health and fitness and integral wealth fiercely.

My dance is my absolute mean of expression, for as far as I can remember, it prompted me to live fully without restraint, despite how irrelevant and unvaluable the man and the woman through whom I swayed to this earthy world imprinted in me over the years.

I dance to the rhythm of my heart and soul, my mind and spirit recognize the rhythm of my sacred essence.

As Pearl Primus express it so well...

''Instead of growing twisted like a gnarled tree inside myself, I am able to dance out my anger and my tears.''  

~ Pearl Primus

Hardly walking yet, I would defy whatever standed in my way to get to the dance at my paternal grand parents' house. As a teenager, I took Ballet Jazz lessons and dreamed further to dance with icones like Louise Lapierre, Eddy Toussaint, Alvin Ailey...

As a young adult, I danced the rhythms of Vodou philosophy and was in awe to realize that the rhythms of my heart and the rhythms of the drum were one, that the vibrations of the rites of my origins were the reflections of my soul. The gestures and their meanings reveal the essence of my being deep in my womb.

I then forged, with my girlfriends, the dance troupe Gwoup Kiskeya. By deepening the knowledge of the dances of our origins, we revealed ourselves to ourselves, realizing a synergy of empowerment, solidarity and cohesion.

We immersed in the dances in unisson, heart and soul, body, mind and spirit spirit, for ten years.

Three heavy episodes breached through this passionate source of joy and self-realization means for a while...

At the birth of my second son, the most wonderful gift of life, I experienced a deep shock of betrayal and astounding loneliness. Biological fatherhood was denied and non-supportive circle of friends scattered through indifference.

In my first son's teenage period, I dealt with the hardest road to rock it seemed then, within society’s ambushes from family, social, economic, weed smoking to racial issues.

In my professional journey as a financial planning agent with Investors Group, I got caught up in the maze of corporate world without a face.

Beyond all, the revolution dance of love, respect, courage is anchored as the call of my soul. I began to respond with Gwoup Kiskeya. Gwoup Kiskeya is the source of my vision of traditional dance international radiance as bonding immaterial heritage, with Sacred Essence of Our Dance Carrier Movement.

I share my dance to self-conquest with open heart enlightened infinite ever conscious love. Instead of being at war on every front, I dance who I am to self-conquest.

I started my activity on the internet in September 2011. What I had and still have to say has always been inherently part of me, it seems. I first began to express it in 1992 in a French course as part of a professional training that I followed in secretarial work under the recommendations of my brother, even though I was more interested in the accounting program offered in the same institution.

In fact, the awakening first sparked in 1988 during my university studies in visual arts and French literature after failing in biology. It was a period, starting in 1986, when I tried to align myself with my childhood dreams.

I first undertook studies in biology to move on to general medicine and then pediatrics. Then, I chose to study visual arts and French litterature towards the teaching of the arts and children's book writting. I was taking parallel classes at the Ottawa School of Arts where I also carried out live model contracts to better incorporate the arts community.

At the same period of time, I also experienced several areas of performance arts at the Groupe de la Place Royale. Shortly after, in 1987, the great adventure began with Gwoup Kiskeya, an adventure that lasted 10 years.

The birth of my eldest son in 1989, led me to follow the strings of life to meet our basic needs, namely housing, food and finding the means to offer him the best possible education.

In this frenzy, my body issued warning signals with 4 episodes of physical exhaustion, in 1990, 1991, 1997 and 2005. I reacted drastically to the 5th episode of exhaustion in 2007 by reorienting myself towards my dreams with that of an entrepreneur, this time. I first branched out as a financial planning agent, an in-between to try and cover our basic needs to start.

In the meantime, my second son was born in 1995, expanding my small family unit to three.

Finally, the 6th episode of exhaustion being physical and mental in 2011 was quite devastating, leading to the ultimate 7th episode of exhaustion in 2013 being fundamentally mental.

I have worked for the last 7 years, respecting the inherent rhythm of the process, to access what dwells deeply in me in order to best materialize the notion that We are One.

Today, an unparalleled anchor presented itself with the initiation that I am pursuing at the M'Tam School of Kemetic Philosophy and Spirituality at the Het Kebtah (Earth Center) Montreal.

In 2007, a period of retrospections after my 4th episode of exhaustion, I put myself in a position between 3 choices:

  1. Start entrepreneurship training with the objective of making a living from dance passion 
  2. Go to Senegal for 2 months of intensive African dance immersed in the adventure
  3. Join Investors Group as a Financial Planning agent in hopes of making money first.

Although I opted for financial planning, because of course there was an interest, it was far from not what inhabits me. Finance is not what makes me vibrate, feel alive, gives me that momentum of life where I feel I am. I have the desire and the ability to learn about finance, but no natural tendencies or talents. I saw usefulness in helping people while providing me with a springboard to help me propel myself towards the fulfillment of what really inhabits me.

I tended to put aside what came naturally to me and look for things to be recognized and valued by others publicly. I wonder if this is why I have invested so much in accounting, administration and finance. Of course I always had the pretext of wanting to feed my family.

I always felt this division between me and this other in me which took so much place in my head, while I remained very present in my body aligned with my authenticity.

I share my dance with open heart enlightened infinite ever conscious love.Instead of being at war on every front, I dance who I am to self-conquest.

My journey in self-conquest mode

I set my path to self-conquest to better embrace and own my total presence.

I embody self-care to self-conquest to advocate total health and fitness and instigate the revolution of love, respect and joy towards balance and integrity through dance spirit mindful total presence enlightenment.

Our dance is our inherent universal and timeless resource.

Wherever you are, whichever walk of life you travel, your dance is your natural quality of life foundation. 

Your dance carries the essence of your power to self-conquest for individual and collective well-being, anti-aging emotional and physical health in body and mind, material and spiritual freedom across dimension, time transcendence, and more...

The power of self-conquest is always accessible in vibrant self-care as we thrive to the rhythms of our profound being and propel ourselves to completely unlock the sacred essence of our dance legacy richness!

My dance to self-conquest keeps me consciously grounded, genuinely alert and vibrant, naturally blooming.

I dance to self-conquest, wherever I go, in everything I do.

I acknowledge that the journey is always worth it as long as we stay genuine in our essence and learn to take our place with integrity. I dance who I am to self-conquest!

This is a quest where we get barriers down. I dance who I am to self-conquest!

This is a journey where we fully endorse balance and harmony at every step and every move, feel the sacred essence of our dance to stir our vital energy, consciously present in every curve.

The sacred essence of my dance has been and will always be a vital source of inspirations, to create sustainable health and fitness and integral wealth.

Our dance in love, respect and joy means to dare to be always in all integrity, to nourish the timeless essence of our total presence towards universal rhythms of balance.

I choose to dance who I am to vibrate with all of our souls, dare to be always in all integrity, nourish the timeless essence of our greatness.

I choose to dance who I am to self-conquest so that we can better integrate the spiritual, cultural, social, political and economic revolution of our total presence with daily keen consciousness of each movement at every moment.

I share my dance to self-conquest with open heart enlightened infinite ever conscious love. Instead of being at war on every front, I dance who I am to self-conquest.

I am now over 50 years old and my dance vital energy gets me thriving even more than when I was 5 years old. 

My dance to self-conquest keeps me consciously grounded, genuinely alert and vibrant, naturally blooming : Khefista Shemzoumot

♥ This path of light, on a genuine cultural revolution movement to dance to the purity of our sacred essence, is for you! ♥  

Share your challenges of total presence to self-conquest. Unwind your dance!

Be still. Share, heart to soul, as you wish...

Express your experiences, commitments, strength, love, and joy.

Share your art, wins, challenges of total presence to self-conquest, unwind your dance...

♥ This path of light, on a genuine revolution dance movement to the purity of our sacred essence, is for you! ♥

See what we've been already sharing...

Stay in touch...

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Happy to have you here! I'm Khefista Shemzoumot.

Happy to share this powerful self-care to self-conquest journey in joyful conscious movement of universal wellness.

We care to Be entirely. We stir our vital energy. We embrace and celebrate total presence to fully dance respect, clarity and integrity in balancing our constant becoming.

We are one dance with the earth, the universe and the infinite. 

Everything relates to your dance because life is a dance. Your dance is movement. Movement is life.

This inevitable cultural revolution movement dance is mindful total presence rhythm of respect, clarity and integrity in balancing your constant becoming to the purity of your sacred essence

My vital energy focus for us: to embrace this inevitable cultural revolution movement to the dance rhythms of respect, clarity and integrity in balancing our constant becoming to infinity.

Honour to our Nanas and Legba; Honour to our Ancestors; 

We open the doors. We help each of us put all barriers down.

We help each of us unravel and fuel flowing positive communication channels.

We help each of us empower growing communities of ever more deeply respectful and grounded people.

We help each of us empower growing communities of people thriving to dance balance and integrity in all.

We help each of us empower growing communities of people in mindfulness and total presence through consciously honest questions and movements.

We help each of us empower growing communities of people honouring our essence in powerful self-care to self-conquest.

We help each of us be trustworthy companions in our total presence engagement and guidance.

We help each of us cut ourselves from fears.

We help each of us to sustainable health and fitness and wealth, to travel in joy to the right places for continuous learning towards balance and integrity in all.

We help each of us lead the way for our daughters and sons to grow well, heart and soul, body, mind and spirit through sustainable abundance mindset to the purity of the 
sacred essence of our dance.

Dance floor friends community like Te Varua Ori Tahitian Dance Troupe, enjoying the genuine connection and the energizing vibrations of rhythms in each heart and soul, body, mind and spirit, forms a small scale egregore.

♥ This path of light, on a genuine cultural revolution movement to dance to the purity of our sacred essence, is for you! ♥